How to introduce yoga or any workplace wellness program to your business
There are so many reasons why companies and corporations are introducing wellness programs into their workplaces, from boosting staff morale and encouraging loyalty, to increasing productivity and reducing absentees.
The importance of workplace wellness
Businesses now face greater responsibilities for the welfare of their staff and are expected to look after employee health, both in the office and at home.
If your business hasn’t already jumped on the bandwagon, then you are missing out!
A workplace wellness program can protect the health of both your staff and your business – taking care of your staff can help ward off stress and exhaustion, both factors that can have a detrimental impact on retention rates, quality of work, sales and productivity.
If you are keen to get started but have no idea how then read on below…
5 top tips to consider when introducing a workplace wellness program
1. Provide free access to yoga classes or other wellness activities
Employees are now expecting companies to include wellness activities in their benefits packages. Free access to online yoga classes could be one of the wellness benefits your company could offer. Yoga is a great practice for anyone or any level of fitness to enjoy. For example, with my Flo at Home service (available for businesses too), I teach HIIT Yoga for those who want to burn, sweat and tone, Slo Flo restorative yoga to tick that mindfulness box, helping reduce stress and anxiety, and Flo & Restore to support the better movement as well as ease aches and pains.
2. Consider Accessibility
With remote working on the rise, online yoga and fitness classes have become a popular option for Workplace wellness programmes due to the limitless options for accessibility.
- Join live classes – in your time zone or across the globe
- Practice or workout when you want with on-demand videos
- Train from anywhere, anytime – whatever suits your employees and your work schedule best!
3. Give space for wellness
Employers who allow staff to train or take time for wellness activities within their working day are guaranteed to see a far higher uptake of their Workplace Wellness programs.
For employees working from the office – why not consider dedicating a meeting room or area that can be used for wellness breaks.
Fit and healthy staff make for a happier, more productive workplace, not to mention increased loyalty and retention too!
4. Encourage and support your team
This point could be tackled in a number of ways… From treating your staff to a wellness allowance to buy equipment or accessories to support their wellness activities, to setting up office challenges that encourage people to use the wellness tools you have provided – for example, you could treat the person who partakes in the most classes that month to a free afternoon off work or another prize of some sort.
5. Use wellness activities for your team building events
Explore and discover new ways to keep fit and healthy, whilst bonding as a team. From yoga classes to mindfulness and nutrition workshops, or even offsite adventure days!

Design your workplace wellness program today…
For more information about my corporate wellness services and offers, please click here, or get in touch directly – we can have a chat, discuss your requirements and I can share a few ideas that might work for you and your team!
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